Interesting Holidays: April

So every month, I'm going to give you a list of some month/week/day holidays

Each month will have a seperate journal entry and I'll add to it as the month goes on.

Some holidays, as we all know, are celebrated on different dates year to year, so this is going by 2010-2011

Monthly Observations:
Alcohol Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
Cancer Control Month
Celebrate Diversity Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Confederate History
Couple Appreciation Month
Emotional Overeating Month
Frog Month
International Guitar Month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Month
National Humor Month
National Knuckles Down Month
National Occupational Therapy Month
National Poetry Month
National Sexually Transmitted Diseases Month
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month

Weekly Observations:
International Pooper Scooper Week - April 1-7
Alcohol-Free Weekend - April 2-4
Hate Week - April 4-10
National Week of the Ocean - April 4-10
National Karaoke Week - April 11-17
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Week - April 11-17
International Whistlers Week - April 14-18
National Window Week - April 19-25
National Dance Week - April 23-May 2
National Pie Week - April 23-25
National Scoop the Poop Week - April 24-30

Daily Observations
April 1 - April Fools Day, National Fun Day, Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Poetry and the Creative Mind Day, Sorry Charlie Day, St. Stupid Day.
April 2 - Good Friday, International Children's Book Day, World Autism Day.
April 3 - Tangible Karma Day
April 4 - Easter, World Rat Day.
April 7 - ASPCA Day, International Beaver Day, National Day of Hope, No Housework Day.
April 8 - Buddha Day, National D.A.R.E. Day, One Day Without Shoes Day, National Cherish An Antique Day.
April 11 - Barbershop Quartet Day, International "Louie Louie" Day
April 12 - D.E.A.R. Day
April 13 - International Moment of Laughter Day
April 15 - Take a Wild Guess Day, That Sucks Day
April 16 - High Five Day, National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day
April 17 - Blah! Blah! Blah! Day, Ellis Island Family History Day
April 18 - Adult Autism Day
April 19 - National Hanging Out Day
April 20 - National Pot Smokers Day
April 21 - Kindergarten Day
Aprill 22 - Earth Day, National Jelly Bean Day, Take Your Child to Work Day,
April 24 - Eeyore's Birthday Day, Sense of Smell Day
April 26 - Hug An Austrailian Day, International Macaroni Day
April 29 - National Dance Day
April 30 - National Hairball Awareness Day, Hairstylists Appreciation Day

So there you have it! This was fun and interesting and I hope you'll celebrate at least one of these. I know I'm going to.

Oh, and you may think I made some of these up, but this website is where I got them. I won't make it a hyperlink, just because.
April 5th, 2010 at 09:10pm