Things that are on my mind

War. I don't get it. Why can't everyone settle their differences with confrences or meetings? why does it HAVE to be through violence? I mean really do these people honestly think killing a bunch of soldiers is going to solve anything? All it does is create tragedy for both sides.
That sounds like a great idea! Lets send my son or daughter off to go get killed! I understand that there are benefits for being in the army, college being paid for, life long help with money and such. But I just don't think thats worth it.
War is a terrible thing. All we're doing when we go to war is hurting eachother, Yeah I know, Helloo captian obvious! But seeing that, why do we keep doing this? Even if you do make it alive from war your eather physically scarred, mentally scarred, or both. You see so much death and destruction, people being blown up, brains shot out, the human mind can't deal with that, not all at once. Not day after day. I for one would be puking my brains out,

Okay, that concludes my little rant on war.
If you read this whole thing please leave a comment telling me your opinions on war, do you agree with me, disagree with me?
April 6th, 2010 at 12:04am