The joys of report cards and writers block

Ah yes, report cards. The best way to ruin the holidays.
Today I got mine in the mail, which some how my mother always seems to know when to collect. If I knew it was there believe me I would have been outside waiting for the mailman.
Usually my grades aren't horrifically bad I get the odd A and C. I'm mostly a B person.
But this term I somehow managed to get 3 C's and 2 B's along with 2 "non-rated".

BRUTAL! I'm in the 10th grade which means next year I go into the "senior school" and have to deal with the same subjects for two years. My english teacher decided to mark us as though we were in senior school to "prepare" us. What the hell. I usually get A's in English this term a B. I am not in senior school yet... save the senior marking until senior school lady. I understand where she's coming from but come on!

Anyway, now that that rant is over I'm wondering how I should spend the last few days of my holidays until going back to school next week >.>

Plus I have writers block, any cure for writers block? Whenever I try to write I get stuck and cannot think of the right words but I know what I want to write. Not even sure if that makes sense. Oh well.. I'm off to get something to eat.

Comments are appreciated :)
April 6th, 2010 at 07:07am