haunted clock?

So I was sleeping in my room about 2 in the morning. I wake up with the worst head ache ever! I was all out of Advil and couldn't find anything else so I just had to lay there and tried to fall asleep. I look over at the clock and see that it says 3:34, but my phone is on the charger and it says 2:34. So my clock is wrong. I sit up and try to change it but it won't go. It would absolutely refuse to go to 2 it would skip 2 an go to 3 which was weird. I was tired and frustrated so I unplugged it and threw it on the floor and went to sleep. Now here's the weird part. The clock wakes me up like and hour later because it went off!!! Like the beeping thing that wakes you up in the morning! I don't get it. It was unplugged and still went off? it wouldn't go to 2. What do you think?
April 6th, 2010 at 04:21pm