You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

And if you are, you have melted. At least that would be the case if you live anywhere near me. (I complain about the heat here a lot, but secretly I love it to death. I can't stand being cold.)

It is officially spring! The trees outside have bloomed creamy pink and beige and it's wonderful. I actually go for walks now, instead of being cooped up inside hiding from the snow. And it all happened overnight, I swear. I woke up and *poof*, it wasn't winter. It was like someone stuck the earth in the microwave. Well, more like an oven, because there's no radiation. At least I don't think so...

So, I'm watching 16 and pregnant. There has only been one episode where I didn't think the parents-to-be were complete douches, and that was the one with Nichole and... the guy with the ponytail. You know, the one who skated. They were adorable. Although I do not condone teen pregnancy. Or even adult pregnancy. Because there are some adults who are just stupid. (I'm looking at you, pageant moms.)

But I do enjoy watching the program to some extent or I wouldn't be watching it right now, right? Right.

I can never write a journal with just one point. I should just start making lists every journal of things that are on my mind, because when I try to use paragraphs, the ideas never flow together like I want them to. I actually think that writing journals are harder than writing stories, but maybe that's because my stories are more exciting than my life.

Well anyways--see that lame segue? Evidence!-- I just heard the 30STM version of Bad Romance. Given that I'm not really a fan of Lady Gaga to begin with, it wasn't really surprising to me that I didn't immediately like it. In fact, the only part I did end up liking was the last, like, minute and a half, starting with the french talk. Because you know how I like my french. (Speaking of, I updated my frenchy french Gerard Way/wiL Francis story.)

Oh, that's probably another subject I should touch down on. The Fanfic/original story debacle. As some of you may know, I like to post fanfiction. Does that mean it's all I write? No, but I don't like posting my original stories because they suck ass. And does it mean that I only read fanfiction? Also no. But I do tend to gravitate toward them. I don't think it's right to say that you will only read original, or only read fanfic, because you may be depriving yourself of a story you enjoy a lot.

So. Rec me stories. Anything. Just something good. I will try to leave feedback.
April 7th, 2010 at 06:31am