The Royal Tenenbaums! (Or any other Wes Anderson movie!)

So the other day I watched The Royal Tenenbaums. I hadn't seen it in like 2 years and watching it again was awesome. I had forgotten what a great director Wes Anderson is. He's directed some of my favorite movies ever like The Life Aquatic, Rushmore and most recently Fantastic Mr. Fox. When I was watching the Royal Tenenbaums I got really emotional for some reason and I don't know why, the movie isn't even that sad I just got really emotional.

Another thing is that I just finished the book Looking For Alaska which I talked about in one of my other journals. It. was. amazing. It made me very sad and emotional as well, but this book was actually sad. You should definitely read it.

Okay I've got some questions:
1. What is your favorite movie?
2. Do you have a favorite Wes Anderson movie (If you don't, I feel sorry for you)
3. What is your favorite book?
4. Have you ever read Looking for Alaska?
April 8th, 2010 at 01:46am