Don't you hate it when...

You're mentally screaming "Do I LOOK okay?!" at anyone who asks you if you're okay and believes you when you say you're fine?

You have to pretend to not like someone because your friend likes them too?

You listen to the radio after getting out of a relationship and every station is playing a love song?

You pretend to be someone else that you're not because that's just how the world sees you? [this doesn't apply to many people but it applies to me]

You can't help but think "What if..." about something that you completey f***ed up?

You can't keep that certain someone out of your mind, and sometimes you don't even know who that someone is (because you haven't met them yet)? [happens to me all the time, except it's not like that romantic someone, it's just some random person that I met briefly that day]

You can't tell your friends how you're feeling so you write it on here (Mibba) instead? [it sucks and even though one of my friends is like a sister to me, I still don't feel that close most of the time]
April 8th, 2010 at 05:51am