I'm a dandelion

I love how I write journals just randomly when ever like it has no reason for my timing at all. well it rained today. I love the rain I sat out in it for a while till I was forced to come inside:/. well any way I like the rain because it so peace full and it helps me think. and lately I have allot to think about. My life's kinda all mixed up right now. I feel like its like its this place that get stuck with earthquakes all the time.so an earthquake hit and you repair the damage fix the building bury the dead. Then BOOM! another earthquake some larger than others but you get the point. so yeah that's how my life's going at the moment. blah

I swear I'm so weird. Like I know that I'm weird like I'm conscious of it but I'm allot weirder when I have like no idea. Today I was walking home and comparing myself to flowers trying to figure out what flower I was. Yep I have no idea why I write journals any way... maybe I think that some one some where actually gives a crap about me but i doubt it. or that maybe people actually want to hear what random crap I have to say but I don't think so earthier. I guess I just want to tell people random crap they probably don't even care about just to prove my existence to all the people I don't know. But seriously why the hell dose any one read most of the crap I put on here(I find that funny cause probably every ones stopped reading by now) but any way I guess that's it so yeah bye -K
April 9th, 2010 at 01:28am