prom dresses, bowling balls, and vampires.

I've set a major goal for myself for prom: I refuse to be home before one in the morning--I refuse, I refuse, I refuse. This is my fucking senior prom and I am going to do more than sit around at IHOP eating pancakes with the rest of the morons at my school.

So, me and the posse finally came up with a great, yet simple, plan after prom is over and that is to go bowling. That's right, bowling. Super fantastic, no? I haven't been bowling since freshman year plus bowling in prom attire would such an awesome photo opp. I'm debating on rather to propose the idea to my cousins, whom I also go to school with, because they most likely won't be down with the idea. They're more likely to go to some lame after party and I can't gel with that since I'm not a house party person. I really don't know...I think I should; the more people the better, right?

Problem is....what the hell am I gonna do for my friend's prom next week? Yes, I'm going to two proms and it's difficult organizing all this crap. We were supposed to get a hotel suit for the night where we can get ready at and come back to after prom but we couldn't get someone 21 to use their credit card for the room. Then we started talking about a party bus but that didn't work out. So we have to find something at least mildly entertaining to engage in afterward.

Another problem...I have yet to find a dress for my school's prom *tear*. I know what I'm looking for but I just can't find it. It sucks ass.

On another topic, while I was switching between screens, I saw this upload of a behind the scenes vid of season 3 of True Blood on the dashboard of my blog and I practically screamed my head off. And when it was over I began to swear at my computer screen extensively for being so damn short.

I swear I'm the only kid at my school that watches it; it makes me mad because I can never talk about how awesome it is. Everybody just looks at me like "whuuut?" WTF don't you people have cable?! Sadly most of them answer "no"....then I'm like "You suck".

Are there any True Blood fans out there in Mibba World?
April 9th, 2010 at 03:20am