Questions//pictures//day out

Army. Effing. Bear. Tis a camo bear, his name is Bam. I love him.

Day out:
Here's what happened.
08:00AM woke up
08:14AM left for train station.
10:??AM met Emma.
10:??Am crossed This bridge.
11:??AM More stuff happened, talking yada yada.
Some other time: Went to David & Goliaths bought a shirt and some jeans. Emma bought a hat. Then we built Bam!
Around 12: We went and had MacDonalds. I did not trust the child glaring at Bam.
Around 12:20 we went to Trafalgar square.
12:23 sat on the fountain. Nearly got pushed in. Pulled out five cents for Emma.
12:30ish: Saw a statue. He waved me over, but I got too scared
1PM ish: Brought Emma home.

Then we came home and had Chinese. What a fun day.

So, Emma and I are fun. <3

Do you have a favorite teddy?
Could you depart with it?
Favorite childhood memory?
Favorite comedian? (I'm watching Eddie Izzard, that's why the question came up)
April 10th, 2010 at 12:58am