Jumping from topic to topic (advice needed?)

I changed my avatar finally! I've had that one for a while now and decided it was time for a change. So it's 12.15am here in... Queensland and I am unable to sleep, which is not surprising considering I always have trouble sleeping- yes, the joys of stress right?

I don't really think I have anything to be stressed about, like school work wise... well I am on holidays for the next... two days :\ I suppose it's "family" stress. Not something I particularly want to get into, basically it's the "loss of a loved one" piled up with the joys of being a teenager.

Oh hey, last week I went to see As I Lay Dying, they were so good, though unfortunately I got pushed into a circle pit and being 5 foot tall, I got punched up bad... so I had a bruised and swollen face for a couple of days. My friend ended up ditching me and it turned out to be a not so great night apart from how good they played.

Some things that happened during the week that entertained me:
I went shopping with my sister who everyone thinks is hot (she is completely oblivious to it though, nearly 17, never had a boyfriend) and on two separate occasions guys harassed her for her number. Her solution to the problem is to just keep walking with her head down.
It's a blow to my self esteem enough that my own friends call her the "pretty one" out of the two of us but that no one has ever asked me for my number.
We got a good laugh out of making fun of the guys though.

Looking for some tips on stress, I have asked in a previous blog and tried all the stuff but it doesn't seem to work much so... comments would be much appreciated. :)
April 10th, 2010 at 04:28pm