Hi Hello Welcometo Mibba...oohhh


Hi there, this journal is because I need to post something and I dont have any stories right now.

About my Mibba... Hopefully I'll be writing some steller stories with katie, but when it comes to writing I never ever finish things so I'm mostly here for social interaction. So leave a comment! Add me as a friend! Bombard me with strange questions!....That probably wasn't good thing to suggest....

So has anyone seen Sherlock Holmes? I realy loved this movie. First off, Robert Downy Jr. enough said. Second, I loved the eerie theme music, it was crazy cool! The story was good what with the detective plot and black magic Vs science. They did cool stunts while keeping it all real and100% possible. Rachael McAdams was a little out of her element I thought. Usually she plays sappy love interests so i couldnt take her badness seriously. OH! Costumes! They wore interesting outfits... I'm not sure what time period it was (im not that smart) so Im not sure where the fashion stems from but I enjoyed the vintage feel of the entire film.

Howlame was that review, huh?

Sorry if this was spamI just wanted to say a few things. Also if I make spelling errors and you want to point it out I won't take it offensively so go ahead.

Lastly, most important I wanted to ask you guys not to hate onme if I don't have spaces between my words because my spacebar is breaking.
For example sometimes I type like this: HiI'mHope. But it's not on purpose.

April 10th, 2010 at 07:23pm