
I realized I have encountered a lot of men in my life...shocking..I know. But what I have seemed to notice that no matter how hard I try..I just can't stop freaking liking them. I'm not one who only goes for the pretty face, I go for the smarts and personality. Even if I think I find the perfect guy, he just seems to be an ass at the end. It's not worth it, I know I should probably take a break but whenever I wanna take a break, something happens. For example, I got a boyfriend, I was just taking a break from other guys. Then out of the blue, lets call them Alec and Spencer (oh yeah I'm great with names) just run up to me, hit on me, and pretty much want everything to do with me. Why is it that once your life is going smoothly, something always has to eff it up?
Now I don't wanna be one of those girls who cry and whine and bitch about guys, saying that they are evil heartbreakers because then I would be a hypocrite. I have broken my fair share of hearts.
I tried weighing out my options about guys..I tried just sitting back and letting fate happen. What did I get? Zero. Nothing. But when I was out there, trying, I got so many catches...too many to handle. It's like I can never really have just one thing that I want. I have to have several other things involved with it.

You know in movies when the girl thinks that when nothing can get better it does? Well yeah, not happening for me. Sometimes I wish life could be as simple as some movies. The girl finds guy through fate, they stay together, get maried, have kids - the whole nine yards. But it's not like that in real life. People cheat, people lie, people die, people's too much to handle.

Anyways I am sorry for boring anyone with this rant/journal....anyways I have a few questions:

1. Have you met the love of your life?
2. If you haven' would you want to meet?
3.. Do you have any attractive brothers? (just kidding...or am I? :0)
April 10th, 2010 at 11:19pm