Today, on AverageWizard,

my story got posted. I have never been so happy in my life. :)
It reads:
Today, my two-year-old neice followed me into my room. I then asked her what she wanted to watch. Upon seeing my Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD on the floor she replied, "Harry Pottah," and picked up the DVD and walked to the living room. For the past two hours I've sat with my neice, listening her yell at me, "My Draco Moyboy" and pointing a spoon at my face screaming made up spells. She even proceeded to mimic me, pulling out her play cell phone and raising it into the air on the part where all the students rose their wands in the movie. I feel I have taught her well. OLAM (our lives are magical)
True story. :) MLIM
April 10th, 2010 at 11:32pm