I'm a happy camper (not camping)

Well today I got my dress for the dance:] It's a black strapless dress with sparkles all over and then at the bottom big black ruffles that look like roses. The theme for the dance is glow in the dark neon crap:\ so being me I couldn't let myself go without matching a little so I am going to make everything else that I wear neon pink since pink is my favorite color:) If you have any tips on dance feel free to leave a comment this is my first dance ever!!! :D

In other news school is starting again Monday:\ I did absolutely nothing with my friends all spring break because my dad made me study for the CRCT. So blah. Also I got some pink eyeliner and put it on....it looks like the skin around my eyes got ripped off and my pink flesh is showing:P hahaha it's funny though >.<
well that's it, but like I said any tips on dance would be greatly appreciated I'd hate to do something wrong and loo like a total idiot in front of the guy I like x]
April 11th, 2010 at 02:11am