New Stepfather

Today we went out with my family and the steps. It was fun and all until we left Cici's. I have a handy cap sis and she was mad about something and she hit my 'dad' on the head(he's bold ) and he stopped the car turned around and hit her in the arm. The thing was that the dude is fricken huge and he made her and the wheel chair shake when he hit her and its made me uncomfortable. He's not abusive or anything but in my mom last marriage the dude she was with was um abusive so that's what made me feel all wrong when he hit her. I also think that step dads shouldn't be allowed to hit there step kids because it seems wrong to me. I just don't like the thought. It could be because of my moms last relationship that I fell this way but I dont know. How many other ppl feel the way I do about this situation. Like I said I could just be paranoid . Give me your thoughts.
- rock on kira
April 11th, 2010 at 07:37am