Well Hello Life

Hi. I might actually have a future. Yes, that's right: A BLOODY FUTURE!!!
I might have an acting opportunity right here in South Africa. Ain't that super. Ive been battling to get my other written works published but noooo, no one believes in a 14 year old. I mean seriously, last year I was on the brink of making a short film, I had everything organized. Even registered as a shelf-CC, but when I needed sponsors!!!
Oh please let this mean something.... Please oh please! This will be so great, and even better for my self-esteem. DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!!! *Breathes loudly*
Well, that's all for now.... I might actually have a life.... Well hello life....
The point is, the younger generation is ignored and under mimed. Why?
April 11th, 2010 at 01:15pm