Silver lining

Do you what's really amazing? Watching the clouds and taking in the vastness of the sky from your very own bedroom window. I live in an apartment where you either have the mountain facing view or the sea facing view. I have the mountain facing view and on days like this, I can't help but smile at the beauty of it. I am sure I would've loved the sea view as well, but since I don't know how good it is, I can't really compare and I am content with what I've got. I'm going to be moving in a few months. I have a little planner that holds everything I do. I'm kind of a freak in the sense that I put down things I did even if I didn't originally put in in my planner as a "to-do" thing. I think a lot is going to happen with me this year and that's one of the reasons I love having my planner and my Happiness 365 project. At the end of the year, I will flick through the pages and see how different my life had been only a few months ago. I would have the little details of my daily days. My Happiness 365 project will show me those moments I picked out of my daily life that made me happy. I am really anticipating my university life. I know it will be harder than I realise, but I am so excited for a new kind of challenge. For the last two years, I have been challenged intellectually beyond belief with the amount of work that comes with the Diploma I'm doing. I am excited for the new challenge, of moving somewhere new, of meeting new people, of settling and belonging somewhere else. I can't wait to join the new activities and the new clubs and become a person of that place like I am in my present environment. This coming week marks my last week of high school. I can't wait for senior prank and dress ups, I can't wait for the smiles and the funny faces in the photos. The finality of things really makes you look back. I think it's finalities like this, the ones were you look back and an immediate smile forms around you lips, that signify the end of something wonderful. The ones where you know you enjoyed it as much as you could. I really hope that all the seniors end up having an amazing farewell.
April 11th, 2010 at 04:09pm