
Hey everyone!

So I know this is very long overdue, and to top it off it’s not linked at the bottom of a new chapter like I had hoped to post. I realized that just sticking a little orange status bar at the top of my story was really impersonal, it seemed slightly unprofessional to me. Not to mention ‘life interrupting’ is incredibly vague and I was also half asleep when I wrote it.

Basically this journal is to actually let you guys know why my updates haven’t been happening like promised. Here goes…

Originally it was because of stage crew and the fact that being the Light Tech I have to be there for almost every single rehearsal which is time consuming and stressful. We have this thing called Hell Week, and that just means that we’re at school from seven in the morning to 2:40 for school, and then from 2:45 to 10 at night to run through the play as many times as possible (Hell Week is the week running up to the play). Needless to say I didn’t have much time for that. Then we had to strike the set which takes a little less time, yes, but is actually more dangerous.
Following Hell Week all I could think about was the musical we had done, Beauty and the Beast, which left me at a stalemate. Yes, technically B&B is a fairytale but in my opinion it’s nothing like my story at all, and when you can only think of what’s going on in that particular musical/fairytale/myth it’s hard to think about anything else. So I didn’t have any inspiration even when I left it at a pretty decent place, and every idea I had didn’t work out. I’d try typing them up and it just ended up irritating me even more to the point where I started yelling at inanimate objects all over again.

Bottom line so far, I’m a mess.

So the musical is over, thank God, but I’m still pretty much stuck on where to go with STFT. In the past few weeks I have essentially disappeared off the face of the earth and focused mainly on school. Yeah, I know, me? School? Doesn’t add up, I know I know, but with no inspiration its near impossible to focus on anything else.

If I do manage to scrape up some small little smidgeon of inspiration the updates will still be sporadic for this reason: American Music Abroad. AMA is an extensive music program on the East Coast (if you sing in your school choir and play in your school band, jazz band included, I highly suggest talking to your director about AMA, it’s an amazing program) where students who make it in get the chance to go overseas to Europe for about three weeks.

It took a whole lot to get in, first needing the recommendation from my choir director and then the audition, and it’s going to take a whole lot more. There was a meeting today, April 10th for reference, in which we got our stack of music to look over and memorize. It’s a collection of fifteen songs, three of which are in Latin and then one in German, that I have to memorize by the next meeting which is June 28th. I’m going to have to practice each piece by myself and make sure I know my part and have it memorized in about two months; which for me is quite daunting.

There is no way I’m going to be able to keep doing the same songs over and over again and not go mad, so whatever inspiration I get during this time I will most likely take a break and write it down and update. Since nobody can control their inspiration, when it sparks you just have to go with it and get it all down before it leaves. I will finish STFT and I will finish it before June 28th.

Who knows? Maybe when I get back I’ll write a story based around my adventures in Europe, maybe not. But I’m super, extremely sorry and I know I can keep apologizing and chances are it’s still not going to be enough, but hey, now you all know why. Anyway, for those of you who commented on the story so far, when I post a new chapter I’m going to go and post a comment on your profile so you’ll know. People who subscribe but stay silent, comment! Then you’ll be among the first to know when something new comes out.

Xoxo, steph.
April 12th, 2010 at 12:59am