Get rid of scars... and quick?!?!?!

So I'm really active and when I was little I used to climb trees and such what and I used to fall out of them and get cut up so I have a lot of scars. And then just today my sister's wolf-dog attacked me and I know it is unaviodable - it's going to because a huge scar on my leg.

I'm really self concious about myself and I would be a lot more comfortable if I didn't have as many scars as I do - but the only way I know how to get rid of them is to use scar cream, and let's face it: I don't have the attention span, time, or money to do that!!!

Now I wouldn't mind waiting until summer but 8th grade promotion is in just two months and I have a really pretty dress already but the dress would show off my legs - and my scars. I really want to look pretty for this so I want to get rid of these scars!!!!

Do you happen to know of a way to get rid of scars in two months?? If you do please tell!!!!!! I'm desperate D':
April 12th, 2010 at 02:10am