Read my blog guys!

So I have not been on Mibba for bout a year!
Hi, what have I missed? Is everyone still writing fanfics bout MCR or whoever?
Sorry to offend anyone, but I donut really care.
Anyway, I've started a new blog, it's the same kind of shi- I used to dribble in these journals before. It's only new but I'm a frequent updater, and I have had no readers whatsoever, which is kind of sad. So I've been shamelessly promoting it everywhere. I figured here would be a mighty fine idea.

So the address is

I would really love to have some readers, and if you have a blogger of your own, you might like to follow?... Ok now I'm sounding desperate. Please do your fellow human being a favour!!
April 12th, 2010 at 03:28pm