How to End World Hunger

How to end world hunger: Play the game, learn stuff, feed hungry kids!

^^This is legit: in my first of year college, my English professor told us (her class) about this website. And she's the type who does her research cuz she doesn't take things at face value and is all genius-y and sh*t =]

Some facts about hunger and poverty:

1.) There absolutely is enough food generated in the world to feed everyone at a healthy level

2.) There absolutely is enough money to pay those being exploited a decent salary.

3.) In fact, multi-national companies (like Wal-Mart and Starbucks. You know, the usual scape goat multi-billionaire bad guys) could still keep their prices the same, pay their oversea workers a decent wage and then still turn a considerable profit?

4.) Those multi-national companies outsource their labour overseas and foreign manufacturing plants have bidding wars, boasting who will pay their workers the least, to thereby earn the business of the huge company.

5.) Some companies-plants pay their workers less than the the equivalent of one US dollar a day.

6.) Aaand an extrenuous fact: The yearly net profit of Wal-Mart is more than the entire country of Sweden's net income. (That means Wal-Mart makes more per year than all the citizens of Sweden put together. And Sweden is considered a wealthy, industrialized country, not an impoverished one).

Now, I love Wal-Mart to a certain extent. Don't get me wrong: who doesn't want cute clothes at dirt cheap prices?? Lol, I do, totally! I'm not expecting anyone to just stop shopping there because of this little rant. I just hope that ppl can recognize that Wal-Mart's (and other mogul companies like them) overseas policies aren't up to par, so spread awareness!

It's difficult to make change happen, we all realize that, but start by feeding hungry families and getting a better vocabulary! lol, the game is actually kind of addicting (honestly, not just for nerds) because you want to prove how smart you are hehe.

*btw: my sources for the information on poverty and hunger came from my Sociology professor's lectures and the course-sanctioned text book. Bonus, you're getting the knowledge for free (while I paid a buttload of money for it hehe)*
April 12th, 2010 at 07:36pm