Im not allowed to be a vegetarian- WTF!?!?!

Ok, so i have always wanted to be a vegetarian and i just got thinking- what better time to start then now? I used to try and excuse myself by saying 'I love meat too much' but i figured i should just man up and at the least go vegetarian. I mean i researched it and everything making sure that this would be a good decision, its healthy and good for animals and the environment!

So i txt my mom saying 'I want to become a vegetarian.'
She txts back saying 'what???'
And i repeat myself.
I don't get another text.
Then mom gets home and walks into my room and says 'why?'
And i get really flustered and try to explain why i really want to and she just says 'no.'
So i say 'WHY THE FU*K NOT?!!?' Hahah no but i wish i had said that.
I said why?
And she said that those animals were going to die anyway and she wants me to eat meat.
She also AGREED that it is very healthy but still dats she wants me to eat meat.
Don't you think i should be allowed to decide what i want to eat? Especially if it's a healthy diet!?!?! Like maybe if i was asking to change to a candy-only diet i would understand but i'm quite afraid i don't get it.
So i suppose i'll have to conform to eating meat until i go t college.
This is horrible.

Unless i figure out a way to convince her- i played the animal cruelty line but apparently she doesn't care. And the healthy diet line. Idk what to do...
April 12th, 2010 at 10:29pm