I need heroin.

Why cant I have a terminal illness? I'd be so lucky. I cant off myself, not on purpose, and I want to use drugs forever. I love my heroin and when I cant have it, it feels as if my brains going to burst through my skull and my veins are melting and my skin is crawling. Everyone would understand my drug use if I had a terminal illness they could understand. Like cancer.
No one gets addiction. It IS an illness. Do people really think I want to shove a needle in my vein every god damn day just so I can feel like I want to live? That every time I hit myself up Im risking shutting down my heart. Im using poison.

But no, that just makes me a worthless junkie to you and nothing more. Like I asked for the snap in my brain. I was an addict when I was born. Ive always and will always have a chemical dependency. It just is.

I need heroin.

Oh all my little darlings its seemed I caused an uprising. Im certainly sure if I came on here and told you I was gay and depressed you'd all say what?
Understand this NOW just like a person doesnt decide to be gay I never DECIDED to be an addict. Boom it happened.
I control it, never said I wanted to stop so stop trying to tell me Im lookin for sympathy. None of you shove the needle in my arm. I DO. IM WELL AWARE OF THE FACT. So get over the little power trip you have by being sober. Cause Ive experienced more than you could ever fuckin imagine.
Suck it :D
Have a great day
April 13th, 2010 at 01:05am