I embarrassed myself and he saw it:\

*sigh* I had P.E today. I was excited because we are starting Volleyball and I really want to learn so I can try out for the team next year in high school. So Coach Christianson points to people and tells them where to go. I was on one side and Andrew, the guy I like, was on the other side. So we started playing and I was trying not to look at him to make it even more obvious that I like him. Then we rotated and it's my turn to serve so I wanted to make sure I did it right so he could see and I messed that up:\ it went straight up in the air and back down. A little while later we're facing each other because we rotated again and we were both in front in our teams. The ball comes over the net...and hits me in the face. I would have hit it if I wasn't making sure my hair was ok and my eyeliner wasn't smudged...I completely embarrassed myself and he saw it. He smiled at me, but that was probably because he was laughing at me:\ Hopefully tomorrow I'll do better.
April 13th, 2010 at 11:21pm