I will always love you; I hate that <l3

Here goes another one of my rants about my love;
I am sitting the corner of my room with my laptop,
Makeup running down my face and tears are falling.
Jordan and Kara are dating now.
I know Jordan is happy with her.
I hope they are together for a long time because she is what he has wanted for 3 years now.
But I have wanted him for like 8 years.
Many people are saying that I am too young to worry about relationships and shit.
But it is just so hard<l3
Between me and Kara is no competition.
She is so beautiful and funny.
I am so ugly and lame.
But if he would look beyond the appearence;
He could actually see that I love absolutly everything about him.
He isn't that easy to give up on actually.
Believe me, I have tried plenty of times.
But I hope she is happy with him,
God knows I would be.
She has what I have always wanted.
Sometimes; I wish I were her<l3
April 14th, 2010 at 05:41am