Well, so much for that.....

Well, I think I put in a story submission that my friend and I were going to introduce our play to the board at our local theatre. They knew we were coming for a couple of months now.

Well, pretty much they criticized the shortness of the entire thing, not even including the songs. But they were right on what they said: we had no idea of a budget, no sheet music ready but we knew a pro who could help us with that, it wasn't a known play so not many people would want to go, you know, all that kind of stuff that I could've handled perfectly fine.

But their attitudes was what pissed me off. From the get-go, this one lady was pretty much "no" and the other two didn't look interested and the last lady was actually nice, but, again, not very apt to go out on a limb.

The thing is they had known we were coming for a long time and it just seemed they should have not have even let us come because they were already like "oh, we'll read it with open minds" but just for humoring us.

I pretty much had to change my entire personality. I thought my friend's mom, Sam, was going to light into them. She was really good though and I was really glad she was there otherwise I don't think those ladies would have been to nice with us.

Yeah, so, it was really disappointing. We've got another idea for it and, if they still won't submit it in maybe a year or so, their loss, I say. It just pissed me off when she started to criticize my writing, I dunno. She was prolly right, I'm just sensative when it comes to my writing. Either you like it or don't, but don't hammer me to the ground, okay? You know?

Anyway, there's my little rant and disappointment in a day.

On the plus side, I updated on my VD and loved last week's. Now I gotta watch this weeks hopefully by Friday,lol.

Update soon, k, guys?


April 15th, 2010 at 01:43am