Profound Silence

What is it about that profound silence. It is so damn loud. Have anyone else experienced this before. I find I hear it right before I go to bed, and in nature. I am sitting here listening to Eddie Vedder and his music he did for the movie Into the Wild. After the reading the book and not knowing what it was about what so ever, I found out that I enveid the main character. Chris McCandless walked away from his life completely. I sometimes wish that I could walk away from everything and never come back, never look back. He must have experienced that wonderful profound silence in the wild. All by himself with the ability to be with nature and the wonders it brings. Nothing I see today is silent. Walking into school, music in my ears, then to the cafeteria to talk. Nothing is quiet a few times maybe when we are taking a test, but that is it. that is it. What will it come to next, going deaf. I wonder how much we miss out on, if anything. As much as I enjoy silence, I also enjoy the sound of laughter, and the sound of birds in the morning. The sound of wind is something I really enjoy, how it can suck the air from your lungs as it passes you by.
"I've got this life, I'll be around to grow, Who I was before I cannot recall"-Long Nights Eddie Vedder.
April 15th, 2010 at 03:07am