Maybe I Should Have a Time Out

I don't know, I mean, my life sucks.
My best friend left me for her boyfriend and now she's pregnant.
This chick at school who I think is totally bonkers is like head-over-heels in love with me.
I'm suffering from depression because of said shitty best friend.
My mom is neglecting me because she's so far up her boyfriend's ass.
Sometimes I think the only reason my dad is still alive is because of me, which is sad because I suck.
I've been ill so much lately because of said depression.
I don't have any friends at school because I'm a failure.
I've given up on all books I was reading.
My writing has gone severly down hill; look, I can't even spell anymore.
I have insomnia and I think I was once abducted by aliens.

But, you know, I still love life.
I do, I really do.
Because one day it's going to pick up for me.
Plus, there's so many more movies left to watch where Brad Pitt or Ashton Kutcher take their shirts off!
April 15th, 2010 at 03:07am