There's nothing sad about abandoned shells.

I've been re-reading Little Prince and I remembered crying the first time I read it.

The book has a lot of meaning to it and different symbols everywhere.

Sometimes I wish could doze off and dream into the little prince's world.

I know it sounds as if I want to escape reality but who never imagined his or herself in a fictional character's place?

I smile every time I read "The Love Story" in The Little Prince.

It's innocent and heart-warming but I don't expect anything that would make my heart skip a beat, of course.

Anyways, so I've actually updated my story and I made a new one before using an old plot I made two years ago.

I found it really too much romantic based though. @w@

I've been struggling to actually write romantic stuff because to be honest, I tried and this happened:

"Her heart was beating...even faster. She looked at his face. It was and manly. His goatee had topped it all and had made her mind attached to his face. It was beauty to her eyes."

...I should really practice more :'D
April 16th, 2010 at 05:07pm