Choices ...

I'm not a very decisive person, and the more I think about decisions, the more I question them. So after announcing to my parents I was gonna get my tragus pierced, I'm now contemplating getting a different piercing ... but I don't know what.

A conch?
Third on the lobes?
Half way?
Or stick with the tragus?

I really dont know. They're all ones I want in time but I've got a bit of cash to treat myself to one now and I really want something! It's a little insignificant I know, but this is as exciting as it is for me next to revision right now.

Peace (:

Oh! And I so know who I'd vote for now in the General Election! That is if I could vote ... but the point still stands! And here I thought I was a floating voter.
April 16th, 2010 at 11:13pm