All good things get spoilt some time.

I'm fed up of being back at school and I've been in there for 2 full days. Out of the 4 days we've been back. I'm up to my neck in revision and talk about exams. I'm already convinced I'm going to do bad, they're not helping me. It seems like every time I leave the classroom I forget every single thing I've just learnt. That won't go down well in my exams.

I had the most fun I've ever had in the 2 week break. I met even more amazing people and had 2 weeks of getting wasted, having fun and forgetting about all the bad things in life. Oh, and having a massive waterfight in a field of course. I wish it could be like that all the time I suppose, but sadly it can't. Roll on summer, I guess. Six weeks of that and I just can't wait.

Basically, I'm scared. Scared that I'll do bad. Scared that I'll let my parents down. It sounds stupid I know, but my mum and dad want me to do well. My mum especially. She's constantly pushing me to revise and go over things I've done so I can do the best I can. Which is understandable, but I'm under pressure when I'm in school, nevermind outside it. Of course I want to do well but when she's pushing me all the time it's making me more stressed and thats not going to help. I guess I need to get my head down and start concentrating the best I can, or I'll be in for a disappointment.
April 17th, 2010 at 01:17am