What the...?

I just got an email from something called SecretBuilders saying my child had registered for an account there. (No, I don't have any kids.) I'm not sure who to suspect -- the username is "giantfruit", so either somebody is calling me a giant fruit (which, LOL) or it's really a kid under 13 and they're just odd, as many children are. It could easily be either of my siblings, G's best friend, or her five-year-old cousin (lovely child :D).

In other news, I've been getting a feeling that something's stuck in my throat every so often for a few months now. I asked my mom (the doctor) if this was anything to worry about. She apparently focused on the fact that it generally happens on days when I haven't been out and about doing stuff and that last night it made it painful to swallow to the exclusion of all else, because she's decided I'm talking about chronic pain and fatigue, which can be indicators of depression. Okay then. She did, however send me a useful link about the lump-in-your-throat feeling, which confirms that it's been going on long enough that I should see a doctor.

Did anyone see Friday night's Rachel Maddow Show? G and I were squealing over the gratuitous butt shot and then spent the rest of the opening segment ogling her legs. They're niiiiice. :D
April 18th, 2010 at 10:04am