Excuse me as I cough up my lungs, one lobe at a time.. (questions && whoring.)

You know what's sad? When you get excited about having a whopping three subscribers, throw your hands in the air in triumph and end up punching the large and very solid lamp beside you.

Yes, I know. Large and solid. That's what she said. Ha ha ha.

My hand hurts.


I updated A Tale of Two and I'd adore some criticsm. Other than it's confusing. Because I know it is -- trust me, I know. While your at it, whore out your stories? No fan-fiction, because I'm not in the mood to read red print on a black background. (and, more importantly, I just don't like fan-fiction.)


I love this song:

'Nuff said.


Now for les questions..

1. What song are you diggin' at the moment?
2. Name a "requirement" you have to date someone. (i.e. they have to be able to make you laugh, etc.)
3. Do you guys like rap?
4. What's one of your pet-peeves?
5. Pink or Orange? (you are not allowed to say neither.)
6. Will you go give me some constructive crit. on my story? Really? Thanks so much. ;D

My answers..
1. -points to the youtube video-
2. They have to like "Hotel California" by the Eagles and they have to at least tolerate Led Zeppelin. (hey -- I was raised by a father who was a teen in the sixties. What do you expect?)
3. Yes, I do. Not the stupid fluffy rap, though. :| If that makes sense.
4. When people wear too-tight pants and they have a "muffin top". -shudder-
5. Pink.
6. .. This doesn't really apply to me. Haha.

p.s. Whatever genius invented the concept of being sick should go shove himself into a hole. >:(
April 18th, 2010 at 09:56pm