Do u?

Do u actually kno how much u mean to me? How mad u make me? How u make me feel when ur not around? How u treat me & u dont notice? Y dont u notice? I point it out, and sometimes tell u, but u just turn the other cheek & go back to ur business. I am shy. I cant say emotions, but I still do feel them. Y cant u see that I dont belong, but I belong somewhat when we're together. I want to be invited places, not just a tag along. U think things that r urs r just urs, but I want in on the fun too. I dont like being by myself without u. I thought u'd understand by now. But i guess u dont. Thats one of our few differences. I at least try to understand. U dont care about anyone but urself & cute boys. But now my only question is, do u notice? Do u care? Do u want to fix things? Do u?
June 4th, 2007 at 12:51am