Out of place

Wel today has been depressing.school was fine
but when I got home I just felt like crap.I looked in the mirror and instantly
felt depressed . Maybe cause I'm diffrent or maybe because I'm a lil odd... We'll that's not good enough is it ? :/ lately I've been feeling out if place. When ever I tell me friends they say
ohh your good enough the way you are, but what if that's not good enough..... what if I just wanna be perfect ? :(
I get judged for what music I like
what clothes u wear
what kind of boys I like
so what if I like emos, so what if I listen torock and screamo ..
Yeah I say so what but all I want for one day is to be normall
I know people who only talk to me because I'm funny or weird but they don't like me for me
it just makes me feel like crap
April 19th, 2010 at 07:30pm