I'm not sure

ok so theres this thing thats really bugging me well theres more then just one thing thats bugging me but i canttell anyone abotu whats reallt going on because they woulod not understand, would they? i dont even know how to even tell them whats really going on. I'm sure that they know something is up with me but i dont know if they know what it is. the thing is i could never tell them because they woulod stop being my friend if they actually knew. maybe one of theses daysthey will be able to know what it is and maybe they will understand but till then they CAN'T know. Simply because its way to much for me to even handle, and plus they would never really get what i'm talking about. They would have to be there when it happend to really understand. Maybe i'll tel lthem whats really going on when i am out of school and when i can figure out how to tell them or mayabe it will be in a year or so. But until that day they WILL NEVER find out..........Hopefully.
April 19th, 2010 at 08:44pm