i hate my self SO much right now and i don't know what to do

OK so last night something happened That i didn't think i was going to do. but the guy got me to sleep with him. even though it was a quickie i still feel really bad about it because i took this vow to be a born again virgin ( if you dont know what that means it means in gods eyes your a virgin again after you lost your virginity and you really wanted to change your life around) but anyways this guy and i were hanging out last night around town and we stopped at this building place where they grind up wheat and stuff. well he found a spot that was closed in so nobody could see what we were about to do. i kept telling myself that i wasn't going to let this guy ruin my plan on waiting till i was married ( whole born again virgin thing). well the guy kept pushing me to do it and i kept saying no. then he started kissing my neck and making out with me and finally he pulled me in to this spot where no one could see us and we ended up having sex. the thing is we didn't use anything like a condom or anything so now I'm really worried that there is a chance of me getting pregnant which i hoe that I'm not cause i don't know what i would do if i was. also my friends really don't understand why this is bugging me so much. they really don't understand whats going on. there is so much going on that they have no idea about and i don't know if ill ever tell them whats all rong they will never understand
April 20th, 2010 at 08:41pm