Change the world

I think and have a feeling that in three years somethings going to change, but it will start in two. And it will be adults who do it. Everybody out there, this is for every kid even if they're five up to anyone that will join.
Kids have the power for everything. This generation is an interesting one. Theres kids who have been beaten, abused, starved, bullied. And theres also kids who have always lived in big house, always had food, loving friends and family. Right now this doesnt matter, nothing of what you have or dont have. If you want to do something to be proud of listen here.
Like I said above, kids have the power for everything. Any school rules you dont like, if everyone joined, they could be changed, to a limit for some. If we wanted to change a law, we could.
Let me tell you right now that when i say change and join together, i dont mean killing. i mean understanding the human brain and realizing what has to be done. I realized that humans have corrupted their minds to much to violence and power and will do anything for a kiss, sex, drugs, harm, anything to get revenge or make themselves feel alive. Live your life to the fullest is wrong when it comes to that.
What im wanting is not something like a perfect world, but if when i die i want kids to have a say, not eveything like respect your elders and you dont know what you're talkiing about. I want teens to know when they should have sex or do drugs and have their mind open enough to realize what they're doing. I want everyone to find what they want in life and their goals have pure reason. I know people are naturally selfish but thats what we've let humanity slip into. What happened to when the Framers of the Constitution made it so that America could be great, not for fame reasons. I will admit, part of why I'm doing this is to be the leader of something huge, but I want this to happen. And i want it without war, poverty, deaths, and more money. I dont want bribes in this, no full on manipulations, bullies.
I know adults have ruined and changed the world for good and bad, but kids have also done it. A few harsh words have led to shootings in schools and deaths.
For this to work at all we need everybody, not just some loving hippies in a corner talking about it or preps and jocks kinda talking about it but also making fun of it. If one school changes, everything will. Im making a list of what people want to have changed and if you comment what you want ill add it to the list, as long as it's not kill everyone.
Keep in mind that what i mean by change isnt anything like Nazi Hitler or anything, change for better.
So that this word is spread, email itm facebook it, text it, call friends, family, talk about what you want. Also, be observant and notice things people do and why they do them, it'll help.
April 21st, 2010 at 04:17am