420, anyone?

Happy belated 420, ya'll.

So, as some people who live in North America know, yesterday was April 20th: a day in which stoners come together to smoke marijuana and have fun. However, 'true' stoners don't need a specific day to smoke weed on; people who strictly 'blaze' on 420 are actually pretty comical.

N0o0o, I am not a pothead/stoner - I wouldn't label myself as one. It's more of a party thing for me which I do occasionally.. you won't catch me changing the lightbulbs above my marijuana plants anytime soon, lol. And no, I'm not trying to wave around and scream for attention. This journal entry has a different point, I guess.

I'm just curious as to what you guys did yesterday, if you did smoke some ganja! Share some high stories while you're at it, they're always fun to reminisce on, yeah?

So, I'll start, I guess. I'll share the story where I greened out in. -lol-

My friend's boyfriend had a birthday party a few weeks ago. Basically, there was alot of boozing and drugging going on and it was pretty fun. Anyways, I had a hearty share of rum and a good amount of THC running through my blood. One of my best friends, whom I haven't seen in months, was there and she handed me her boyfriend's bong. I asked what was in it and all I remember is her boyfriend saying, "Don't worry about, it's just weed." Alright, I thought, I guess I won't worry because I'm sure my best friend would say something if there was something up.

Basically, when I took a hit, I later found out that there was salvia and MDMA in it. My life was on a chalkboard and I kept seeing the number 4. I was out for a good number of hours, vomitting and believing I was in a crazy asylum and everyone around me was trying to get me back to reality. Bad high, obviously, but thank God, Allah, Buddah, and Vishnu for amazing friends.. rather than that 'best friend' who handed me the bong.

Your turn~!
April 21st, 2010 at 10:05pm