The sexiest thing about anyone is CONFIDENCE! and I've got loads :)

Hello world!!! How is everyone doing on this lovely day?Well, technically, the day is but an hour old where I reside, but still,day nonetheless.I feel that I am quite overdue for a new entry, so here it is.I am a very happy, very busy person these days.I am in two plays, one of which opens in two weeks o.0 .I am trying to balance work and play, and doing the best I can to sate my thirst for knowledge .I have become addicted to my city's public library, and I am quite thankful that they have a fifty item limit,because I read a lot!! I am loving my life right now. I am learning and growing, and I am really happy with the progress I am making. I have gained a lot of confidence in myself and the things I am able to do.I have gotten a lot more comfortable with myself.I am way less scared of singing in front of an audience now, especially because my teacher has told me that I have improved :D I kind of feel like I'm in a place where nothing can touch me, and the only way to go is up! Today, I was told by a friend that a girl I used to hang out with, no longer wants to be my friend.I think that is the type of thing that is supposed to be upsetting, though, I really could not care less.I am not at all hurt by this, maybe because her and I have already been through this, she's already broken and hurt me, and I never fully let her back in afterward, so watching her leave is impeccably easy, I just wish it was my idea. I don't need her lies and bullshit, all of her falseness was beginning to get in my nerves anyway.Well, anyways, my eyes are beginning to sting because I have been looking at this computer screen for much to long, so, I bid you all adieu, goodnight, goodnight, my fellow mibbians. I'll shall return again soon.

Arriana Glory Lee-Page, feeling untouchable!!

P.S.-The very sexiest thing about anyone is confidence, just remember that!
P.S.S. Just want to say, that I LOVE DARREN HENDERSON!! (sorry, but I thought that to be nescesary, I think the world should know how much I treasure him <3 :D)
April 24th, 2010 at 08:13am