Peace, not profiling.

Yesterday, April 24 2010, the governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer (R) signed SB 1070 into law making it "a state crime to be in the country illegally, and immigrants must carry paperwork proving their legal status.
"Arizona police will be required to question anyone the 'reasonably suspect' of being undocumented, a vaguely defined and legally untested provision that critics argue will lead to racial profiling but that supporters insist will give authorities the flexibility to enforce existing immigration laws" - San Antonio Express News article

The new law also makes it illegal to employ and/or transport "illegal" immigrants.

What have you to say of this?
Do you hope other states will follow?
Do you support a veto?

Personally, I think this is racial profiling. I mean honestly, anyone police 'reasonably suspect' might be "illegal" immigrants? Pretty much anyone who has brown skin will be under suspicion. Anyone who 'looks' Hispanic.

You know police are not going to stop a person of white skin suspecting that they might be an illegal immigrant from Canada or Europe. It is just not likely.

Haha, who are they kidding? Make it illegal to employ "illegal" immigrants? Haha, who do you think picks your food, cleans your houses, watches your children, does your yard-work, builds your houses, does handy-work around your house?
You think "illegal" immigrants are stealing American jobs? They do the work that nobody else wants to do. Imagine working hot, long hours during the day under a burning sun, picking fruits and vegetables for under minimum wage.
All they want is to make a better life for themselves and their families here in America.

Do you know who else had to carry paperwork to prove their status? Jews in Nazi Germany.

Veto 1070.
No human being is illegal.
April 25th, 2010 at 01:28am