Yesterdays Adventure.

Its currently 12:37 pm on Sunday for me, this journal is about Saturday.

Yesterday I was on Mibba for seven hours straight. Now before you go and say "damn that girl has no life." Let me say, I do have a life, but I was suppose to stay home to write a nine page page due Monday for my English class. So I decided I was going to stay home to do it... but I got a little distracted.

The first thing I did, was fix up my profile, it was just a little out dated and needed a new background, picture, about me section. yada yada. You catch my drift.

The second thing I did, which was why I was on for so long is because I was reading stories. Forty-seven to be exact. Every story was at least five chapters or longer. I read Originals, Fan-Fics, and True stories. And let me tell you, I loved every single one I read. I got to fall in love, experience a first kiss, bitten by a vampire, live with a werewolf, fly with an angel, fight a demon, kick some ones ass.... you name it, i read it, and felt it. It was amazing. Congrats if your was one of the ones I read.

And if I did read yours,you'll know by tomorrow, I will be commenting everyone of those stories when I wake up in the morning. Along with everyone else on Mibba who will read my journals because I will post all forty-seven in my next journal. You will be famous. Better thank me.

But the one thing I am very sad about is that I have barely any readers on my stories. They maybe short at the moment, but I wish people read them more. I feel like my work wont be appreciated because no one will ever read it. Why must my writing skill be ignored.

If you feel sorry for me while you go read and comment them.

Again CONGRATS to everyone with Terrific stories!!!
April 25th, 2010 at 06:40am