Crazy ex-boyfriend issues...

So, life is crazy hectic. I have so much work lately (ton's of papers, tests, SATs, ACTs, APs) that I am, apparently, completely oblivious to the way the world works. Just a little background info: I broke up with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago. It was a horrible idea to go out with him the the first place, but we were together for almost 2 years so I kinda got really attached. We met through friends. I was in a band, our guitarist sucked, so we got a new one. I started hanging out with the new guitarist just to get to know him, not cuz I thought he was really hot, or had a good voice, or was really fit XD, and then TADA!!! we hooked up at a gig and he was my boyfriend ever since.

SOOO onto the problem. His best friend is this completely overly emotional girl who is crazy, is basically abusive to her girlfriend (she's gay), and hates me more than anything in the whole world. I have always been nice to her, but she treats me like crap. So then she started telling my boyfriend all these lies about me sleeping with other guys and even making moves on her (total BS, I'm straight and wouldn't sleep around)! ANDDD he pretends to go along with it! He was all like "Well if I act like I believe her, she'll chill out and then we can hang out more!" No. That's not the way things work. You don't just agree to the fact that you think your girlfriend is cheating on you and expect nothing to happen. She, being the valiant hero she is (note the sarcasm), decided to make this false information more public and told half the school! And he did nothing about it. So I stood up to her, told her what I thought, and she decided to give me the silent treatment. I'm sorry have we gone back to 4th grade?! She would like cling on to him, make it so I couldn't hang out with my boyfriend, and was just a total bitch. So after a month of this I got so fed up and dumped him. Everyone saw it coming. No surprise. He took it pretty well. He cried a bit, but I brought him candy and drove him home so he didn't have to see people after it and he seemed fine. I thought he understood and would no longer care about me so much. I was wrong.

Last night I went to this school dance. It was pretty chill, like a whole luau theme goin on. Pineapple. Palm trees. A bunch of sweaty, horny teenagers grinding in a cramped student center. Pretty normal. And i danced with this guy in my physics class. Nothing else, just danced with him for two songs. I've known him since freshman year. He's really funny and nice, but I'm not into him like that. Then after I danced with him I left. I wasn't feeling so hot and it was getting late so I went home. This morning I woke up to 8 BILLION texts asking what happened. Turns out my ex got really mad, tried to pick a fight with the guy I danced with, got in one ore two good hits, and then got his ass kicked. That's why soccer and guitar players should not pick fights with guys on the football AND hockey team...

But how do I deal with my ex? I already told the other guy that I was pissed, but I understand it was in 'self-defense' and then excessive amounts of testosterone kicked in. I feel bad flipping out on my ex cuz he got his butt kicked, but he did start the fight...
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Btw: I did not dance with the other guy to make my ex mad, he hates dances so I had no clue he was there. I was just stressed out from a crazy week and looking for some time to kick back, relax, and dance with some friends...
April 25th, 2010 at 07:58pm