I'm Grilled Cheese

So two weeks ago it was the epic easter holidays. or so I thought. Turns out it wasn't as fun as i thought. The first week was ok, I went to Perth (high 5 to anyone who lives there, even though i don't live there...) so that was kind of cool. Then it happened. The ineveitable. MOOSIK CAMP!!! Dun dun duuuuuh!!!!!

Yeah, so i auditioned for this fife orchestra...thing and got in (yay me.) and part of it was this week away where we would practise the pieces and supposedly have fun.

I knew one person going, I dislike playing the cello, and I'm not that good at making friends randomly. So I was like 'this is gonna be shiit!!'

It was.

The food was CRAP! I mean, I'm not the greatest cook in the world, but how the hell do you make TOAST rubbery? Seriously, what the fuck? So that was part one of the crapiness.

Part two: the girl I knew was a total BITCH! I mean, she was just so bitchy it was unbelievable. The fact that she's an utter chav didn't exactly help either, but I'm not one to judge on appearances, so I figured I'd give her a chance. BIG MISTAKE!! Plus, she made friends with this girl who smoked. I practically have a panic attack when someone lights up a cigerette near me. Not good. At all. So basically, i had to tag along with le bitch and her stupid sarcastic comments and stupid 'I'm getting a new cello coz i don't like this ones colour' WTF?

On the last evening however, I actually managed to talk to someone (whoever thought ceilidh's could be a good thing?) and they said i could move into their dorm coz mine was crap. So a HUGE hello to my saviours (who helped me not kill the bitch): Vicky, Chloe, Saide-Joy and Lucy. =D

So after I made friends with the nice people, I actually enjoyed the last day. Even though it only lasted from Friday morning, until lunch time. But still.

One more thing, le bitch is going to the same place as me for activities day. Me my friends going (love u all ;D) spent most of the day repeating 'fuck' over and over again because of this joy. Perhaps i shall push her in front of the bus...=P

Hope everyone out there had a better Easter Holiday than me! And sorry to HeartShapedLocket and MisterPeeter, I didn't mean to use up all your credit! You did help save my sanity though! GLOMP!

April 25th, 2010 at 08:04pm