Prologue- Life Isn't A Dream...: Should I Post It?

Well I am New at this so you'll have to excuse me please.
Well I have this idea for a story, and I have it all written out in a notebook, and I would like your review on it so far..

Life Isn't A Dream
Jenna Matheny

Was it me or was the room spinning in the hospital? I woke up to hear machines beeping around me. Yep, I was in a hospital for sure. I could tell because the room was white, the bed uncomfortable, machines beeping, and nurses talking to one another in the hallways. There was only one place like this and it was your typical hospital. I don't remember how I got here, but I do remember the most terrible thing ever happening to me for no reason at all. It was like God's revenge on my mom for marrying my father. I didn't know but I would like to share my thoughts with you..whoever you are.

We were in the doctor's office, waiting patiently for results. You see, my mom had always had Leukemia but it was always a distant thing. Now out of no where, my mom was having problems with her ribs, lungs, heart, and legs. It was a disaster at home my father was getting drunk every night and bringing home a different girl each night. My mom and I are getting fed up with his shit. I'm surprised she hasn't left him.
Anyways, we were worried about the results, hoping the cancer hadn't spread. We heard the doorknob turn, then open. Outside the door was our doctor. He didn't look very happy. We knew what was next we just knew. He sat down quietly, took a deep breath, and then spoke.
"Mrs. Matheny, Ms. Matheny, I'm afraid I have bad news. The cancer has always been distant, but we have been noticing it spreading. We thought nothing of it until now." He spoke slow, steady words. Then he rose from his chair and went to the motitor where you put X-Rays and slides on to see them clearer. "This is our fault, and I can't help but think of how much sorrow I feel for you. You see, my wife had Leukemia also, and well she didn't make it. I know what you're going through, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener and my friend is a Physciatrist." He put the slides and X-rays on the screen to show us the cancer. I couldn't listen anymore I just started crying. I didn't know what else to do. I ran out to the car to wait for my mom. She didn't have longer than a month at the most. I could see it in the doctor's eyes and on the slides themselves. My name is Jenna Matheny, and this is my story.

This story is fiction and I hope it stays that way. My mom had Hodgkins Lymphoma and that was our worst nightmare. Well leave comments, rate, and tell me what you think. This is my mom's 5th year without cancer and we hope it stays that way.
April 26th, 2010 at 02:18am