
Hi guys!!!
My name is Maya...
Just wanted to test this whole journal thing and see how many people read it and comment... anyways,
How was everyone's weekend?

Mine was okay-ish...
I never actually do anything over the weekend
I have Tae Kwon Do on Sundays... so that's torture...

anyways, I feel really dumb doing this
but I'm gonna post it anyways
becuase I usually type something and erase it, feeling silly. Not today :P

so anyways, just wanted to say hi ^_^

oh and I just realize that I'm 20 words short... so what to talk about...

I honestly don't want to go to school tomorrow... I never know why though... I say it every Sunday yet I never know why

I have a feeling people will be giving me hate comments saying I'm a waste of space and stuff... I'm guessing I'm right.

So hopefully I've written 100 words...
so yeah...

This entry is so not something worthwhile... I feel silly and hated now... :P
April 26th, 2010 at 04:26am