Baby, just say yes?

After reading old journal entries on here, I realized how much better life has been in these past 5 months.

Ready for a contradiction?

I knew these past months were amazing, and the best ever. BUT I didn't realize exactly how bad off I've been in the past. I've been happy off and on, since I was 14, but this time it's been a constant happy. Not one that ends every other day.

I'm glad I don't have sleepless nights anymore. Crazy thoughts. My thoughts used to scare myself. Bad.

But now, it all seems so crazy to me that I was ever that bad. I'd sit at home and cry for hours at a time instead of doing anything else. I'd use writing as a way to escape my reality. Now I find it hard to write anything because I love my life way more than any fictional life I could think of.

And as cliché as this sounds, it's all her fault.

One person has changed how things are for me. She hasn't randomly got upset with me for something trivial, picked a fight, yelled, broke up with me, or anything at all that others have.

She's... perfect.

Now don't laugh at me. I'm being completely serious. After several years of boyfriends and girlfriends, break ups and empty promises... She's someone who I can honestly trust with everything. I don't want anything to change.

It's CRAZY! I'm madly in love with someone, yet again, BUT this is different. I can tell. And it's not the way she gives me butterflies everytime she tells me she loves me, or how great her kisses are, or that she randomly buys me flowers and brings them to work. It's how she treats me outside of that. We can talk about anything. Exes, hers or mine, friends, family, Facebook and just.. life. She loves me, and for the first time in my entire life, I believe someone when they tell me that.
April 26th, 2010 at 03:57pm