Life... sucks sometimes..

Have you ever had one of those weeks that just.. sucked in general?
A week were you felt depressed and alone and you couldn't shake it off.
A week when it seemed as if no one cared anymore..
A week where everything seemed to go wrong..
I've been having those weeks and I tried to look at the cup half full instead of half empty..
Didn't work out so well..
Being depressed is not fun.. I mean I like how I act sarcastic and cynical.. Which in turn influences those around me.. And yes being able to speak my mind and not giving a care about what anyone says is great.. But I'm freakn tired of having weeks like that..
So any tips on getting over being depressed?
Or any tips to I guess mastering your depression. To where it doesn't take over to where you simply could care less about everything.. Which causes my parents to act like I'm from outer space or get that look in there eyes like where did that come from..
Any opinions are valued...
April 26th, 2010 at 09:55pm