The Eyes Have It!

Whoa whoa whoa!!! I just realized something!
From the pictures that I have posted on the website…. I have no straight forward ones! My head is always slightly turned to the side and I turn up the saturation so much, (or turn them black and white)
so some of you might not even know what color my eyes are!!! WHOA! That is so weird when you think about it….
Well I'm sure a lot of you know I loooooove brown eyes, which means I don't have them… but what color eyes does it seem like I have?
Well if you guessed boring blue you win! I mean, if I had any other color I'd be happy! Hazel eyes are great, as are green and brown! Grey are pretty (though I've been told mine look grey sometimes… and white?)
but really, I mean, no offence to anyone out there with blue eyes, I'm sure yours are pretty but sometimes I just wish I had something different, you know?
Well that's my thought for the day, :D
Smile on!
April 26th, 2010 at 11:01pm